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Established in 1934 by M. Graham Brash, the Company was acquired by late Mr. R.N. Sachdev, founder Chairman of Allied Publishers in 1947. Thus started a wholly Indian management, under his inspiring stewardship, and began “The journey of a thousand miles…”

Step by step, from humble beginnings, grew an elaborate network of nine branch offices situated in all the metro cities and state capitals, supported by Resident Marketing Executives in major University towns—all equipped with fully computerized systems to offer prompt and efficient service.

 The primary objectives of the Company are:
  • To provide all types of information published around the world to the Indian customers (both booksellers and end users) as importers, distributors and stockists of foreign publishers.
  • To publish and market quality academic (text books and reference books) books for schools, colleges and higher academic institutes.
  • Professionally equipped to service the ever expanding needs of the Indian Research Community and Industrial Units through the marketing of specialised information products published by International Societies and International Standards through our Specialised Agency Division (Chennai).
  • Provide subscription to e-resources (e-journals, e-books, Archives and Databases) of major International Publishers to Academic Libraries, Research Institutions and Corporates.
  • To distribute Indian publishers and Indian priced books throughout India.
  • To promote Indian publications abroad as leading Exporters, through our Export Division (New Delhi). 

  Board of Directors
  Mr. Sunil Sachdev, MD (New Delhi)
Mr. Ravi Sachdev (New Delhi)
Mr. Arjun Sachdev (Mumbai)

  Mr. R.N. Purwar (Area Director)

(M): 9810114020

  Mr. Amit Sachdev (Sales Director)  
  Ms. Tripti Singh (Publishing Director)  
  Mr. Sharad Gupta (Publishing Consultant) (M): 9958484546
  Mr. A. George (Branch Manager) (M): 9825846556
Mr. R. Ravichandran (Area Director) (M): 9840254697
Mr. S. Ramdos (Branch Manager) (M): 9840462648
Mr. R. Krishnan (Specialised Agencies Manager) (M): 9840227226
Mr. Jatinder Sachdev (Branch Manager) (M): 9830042229
Mr. L. Vasanthakrishnan (Branch Manager) (M): 9849527263
Mr. Rajkumar (School Book Manager) (M): 9441226693
Mr. P. Chandrashekhar (Branch Manager) (M): 9845287587
Mr. Balachandra Shetty (School Book Manager) (M): 9845732104 
Mr. Atul Srivastava (Manager) (M): 9335202549
Mr. D.C. Khopker (Sales Manager) (M): 9898349314
Mr. Pradeep Parashar (Branch Manager) (M): 9822721854

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