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 Conference Proceedings
  Allied Publishers have in the last few years become the leading publishers for proceedings of national as well as international seminars/symposia held all over the country.

In fact, we have set up a unit to handle seminar/symposium/conference proceedings and in the recent past have published many such works. Our strength lies in the fact that we have got an entire editorial, printing and production set up under one roof, with eight offset printing machines in single colour as well as multi-colour.

We have published proceedings of conferences hosted by:
  • Indian Institutes of Technology
  • Indian Institutes of Management
  • Dept of Atomic Energy establishments (e.g. BARC, NFC, CAT etc)
  • CSIR Laboratories
  • DRDO Laboratories
  • National Institutes of Technology and many other institutions/organisations
We would be able to provide the published proceedings in printed form provided you agree to a buy-back arrangement of a minimum of 150 copies at a special low unit price. To enable us to indicate to you the unit price please provide us the following information.
  Proceedings on a CD:  
  In addition, we also have the facility of providing proceedings on CDs. Each article in the CD can be accesssed in the following three ways:
  • By the name of the authors
  • By the title of the article, and
  • By the section in which the article appears
We hope that you will use our experience and expertise for publishing proceedings of seminars/sympoia that you would be hosting.
  Please Contact :

The Editorial Department
Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd
A-104, Phase II
Mayapuri Industrial Area
New Delhi-110064
Tel: 41845133, 28113682
Fax: 28116584
e-Mail: editorials@alliedpublishers.com
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